On July 1st, 1987, the Spiegelberg adventure began for our current director for research and development, Jörg-Michael Körner. Started as a working student at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, where an advertisement on the bulletin board drew his attention to the then young company, our current development manager has tried his hand at many different positions. As head of production, he was largely responsible for setting up a professional clean room. He is also responsible for the development of our current HDM29.2 monitor. Today, Jörg-Michael Körner leads a team of four engineers and several working students. Due to his extensive knowledge of all Spiegelberg products, he is an indispensable colleague for all employees. Our heartiest congratulations.
To celebrate the anniversary, all employees met for lunch in front of our building. In bright sunshine, our managing director Stefan Paschko paid tribute to Jörg-Michael Körner's performance.